Sunday, December 25, 2005

Wow I'm so bad at this ....

Well .... hmmmm .... since the last update things have been totally Chaotic. With finishing the details for the Christmas parties at work, to finishing the last of my own shopping for the family, It's been a zoo. I also renewed the lease on my car, and am hosting Christmas dinner for the in-laws. Plus the stress at work .... LOL ... do I sound like I'm complaining ?? I'm really not ....

We did some last minute shopping on Friday (since it was payday) and got the kids some pj's and stuff. I had to buy for Andy since I hadn't yet (!). Stops included Wal-Mart, Staples, Second Cup and Best Buy. We even got Santa his favorite cookies - Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip. He left us a letter one year saying those were his favorites.

We also had to leave some carrots for the reindeer. Santa always comes in on our balcony and then does the rest of the apartments before going on to the next house. The kids were too excited to sleep, but they got there eventually. I went over to my Mom's for her usual Christmas phone call home. She's from Belfast so its always Christmas morning when she calls. My Uncle answered the phone .. he's been ill but has been feeling better, and it was good to hear his voice sounding so strong. He's going to be 82 in April. My Aunt's birthday is tomorrow - Boxing Day. She'll be 81 I believe. It's also their 58th Wedding Anniversary ! My Uncle always said it was easier to remember one date than two. LOL. I wish we could be there to help them celebrate. One year we will be.

Lisa was actually up before Anthony this morning ! Usually she sleeps in until we hav e to go wake her, but she surprised us this year. She got a ton of makeup under the tree ... and she said it'll last her roughly 2 weeks. Does she wear a lot ?? I'm starting to wonder. LOL. Anthony got army men, and cars. I'll be stepping on those for the next month. Andy got a game cube from his friend, and lots of new clothes since he's lost so much weight. I got Angels from my mom and sister, and from the kids. I love them because just looking at them brings me peace. Sounds corny I know, but it helps me focus on my family more, and the stress in my life less.

I'm just putting my turkey in the oven as I type this, I had a few minutes to kill and thought I sshould update. From our family to yours: A Happy Christmas and All the best for 2006 !!

More to come later !!!