Thursday, August 05, 2010

Blog-block !

I know there's an update in my brain somewhere .. but there's so much to say and not enough words. Don't you hate that ?

Well let's start at work. (Ugh.) The Despot is the same as ever. Good people getting passed over for promotion, other people 'applying' for jobs at other stores (and getting them no less!), and not enough cashiers to go around. Plenty of finger pointing and blame, and the people that are taking responsibility are being shafted. In other words; same day, every day.

On the lighter side, things at home are pretty good. I had a week off in July that I did nothing with, because Andy and Lisa were working. Lisa is helping out at the shop; picking orders, cleaning up, and generally being the 'gofer'. It's good experience for her, and will help her save up some cash before her surgery in August. (She's going in for a knee repair after tearing her ACL last summer.) She graduated from high school this past spring, and while she doesn't have any firm plans yet as to when, she will definitely be going to Grant MacEwen within the next year or so.

Anthony is pretty self reliant, and basically gets to spend the summer home by himself. While i'm not really crazy about this idea, he's been pretty responsible and has taken on some chores around the house. He's starting grade 7 in September and is really looking forward to it. At least he doesn't have as far to walk now, and he can still ride his bike if he wants to.

My Mom is not doing so great. She has to be on oxygen around the clock now, and can't really get around by herself anymore. She's a "2 person lift" which means they lift her into a wheelchair for meals and such, and lift her back into bed. She's been in the home since June of 2009, so just a little over a year, and in that time has lost over a hundred pounds. She's so thin and frail, I worry about her everyday. I get up to see her more now because time is so short. I took the kids up to see her last night and they had her laughing so hard .. it was good to see.

Ok, ok .. not a blog-blocked as I thought. Once you sit down to write the words just kind of fall out by themselves. And in a coherent kind of order too. Amazing.

More to come shortly !