Friday, January 01, 2010

Goodbye 2009 .. Hello 2010 !

Wow. It went so quick .. and so many things happened !

2009 saw Lisa's 16th birthday, and Anthony's 11th. It also saw our 20th wedding anniversary. I remember my Mom at my age. I never thought I would be this old !

Mom started having problems with her liver, and had to go into a home. Betty and Mark put their condo up for sale - hoping to get into a house.

I went back to my home away from home (aka The Despot). Friends had new babies (Congrats Christina, Colleen, Jamie and Sherrise!) Other friends started new jobs, and took on new challenges. Some friends even got married to other friends. I wish you all the best !

I said goodbye to some people very dear to me, and witnessed friends saying goodbyes to people very dear to them. It will be a lifetime until we all meet again. I welcomed old friends back into my life, and watched as friends faced their own challenges. I lent them my strength and my optimism, to use until they get their own back.

I rediscovered how truly fortunate I am in my family and my friends. I am rediscovering my passion and zest for who I am and what I do.

So 2009, I say goodbye to you. Thank you for everything you gave me this year, both good and bad. Hello 2010. I am looking forward to discovering all you have in store for me and mine. It will definitely be an interesting year !!