Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yes, I fell off the wagon ...

So i'm keeping up with my now quarterly posts .. but I did sort of fall off the wagon. I just read Keltie's post, posting everyones first posts - what a great idea !! We've come a long way since then. It's funny how much life changes in such a short time. Like Keltie said, some of us have become new parents, some of us are moving across the country ! Some of us have older kids, some of us are just getting started. It really is a circle of life !

We've moved again since the last post. We're back into the old neighborhood by Westmount. I love that our townhouse looks out onto the park, watching the jackrabbits frolic in the low-lying fog yesterday was kind of cool. The only thing I don't like about it, is the baseball diamond that is literally right outside the front door. It was ok for the first couple of weeks, but now it's Softball season -- if you're not home from work by 6:30 or so, you have absolutely zero chance of finding a parking spot remotely close to the front door. The other downside is that someone always brings a cooler of beer .. and they have to stay out late until its all gone. Finally I can see the other side of the "we're not making any noise" statement. LOL.

Out back we have a little park for the kids in the neighborhood. I think that's where Anthony has spent the most time since we moved. There's a little less sand out there, because i've swept it up everytime he tracks it in the house. :-) We have a little patio that just fits our barbeque and bikes, I'd like to put up a fence though just to get us some privacy. Maybe next summer.

Lisa just finished her first year of high school. My baby is almost 16, and I don't know how we got here so fast. It's funny when you get talking about the kids and tell someone how old they are, then you have to stop and think about what you just said. She's 15 already ?? Yes, she is. She could be legally driving next year. She might even get herself a job. Boyfriends ?? We won't go there just yet. :-)