Friday, December 25, 2009

And so it Continues ...

I won't say I was excited for Christmas this year, but I was genuinely looking forward to it - the anticipation was there. And then along came a Grinch .. looking (and sounding) exactly like my sister. Let me explain.

On Wednesday night I received a call from my cousin Shannon. Having not spoken in a while, the pleasantries must be observed. Opening remarks dispensed with, he asked me if I had Erin's number, since he had misplaced it. I said sure, and grabbed my blackberry to read it off. He was saying that Erin had invited him and my Uncle Syd up for Christmas Eve. Then he asked what time we would be there. Since I don't hear from my sister unless she wants something (refer back to last post ..), We hadn't been invited - this was something she was doing on her own. Talk about an awkward moment on the phone ..! He didn't know what to say, as I didn't. We changed the subject and finally hung up about an hour later.

Not long after that - the phone rang. The voice on the other end identified herself as the "missing sibling". I came right out and asked her what she wanted. She was asking about dinner plans, since she hadn't heard anything. We all go to my sister-in-laws for dinner, since we no longer have the room to host it. It's a standing tradition. I told her this and she said that since she hadn't heard anything from anyone, she had made other plans. She was having dinner with the friends who's basement suite she's renting. Oh, and she was signing Mom out of the Home on Christmas Eve, to stay over for dinner, and taking her back on Boxing Day. We were welcome to come over and see her if we wanted to.

Does this sound like a brush-off or what?

I was soooooo looking forward to my Mom coming over. I was planning on going to Midnight Mass (even though i'm not Catholic - I enjoy this service every year). I was putting the final touches on my pies for dinner. (I always make lemon meringue with extra meringue because Mom likes them that way). This just took the wind out of my sails. I didn't even have fun at work on Christmas Eve like I usually do, I just couldn't get into it.

So I got to spend my first Christmas without my Mom. I tried to call my sister so I could at least wish my Mom a Merry Christmas, but her phone kept going to voicemail. We made the best of the day we could - dinner was fantastic ! The kids had a good time, they are pretty resilient I'm coming to realize, and maybe we'll get to see Mom on Saturday. As for the "missing sibling", she can go right being missing. I'm not going to be looking for her anytime soon.

Moooooooooooooo !

Monday, November 16, 2009

Families. Can I trade mine in ?

I hate that my Mom doesn't have a phone in her room at the home. I miss being able to pick up the phone and chat with her for hours on end like I used to. Because I've been so sick lately, I haven't been up to see her as much as I should. (I didn't want to make her sick, and then have her pass it on to the other residents.) But I couldn't call her and tell her this - because she doesn't have a phone.

See where this is going?

I told my sister to let her know, and my sister got sick as well and wasn't going up. So last night my sister-in-law gets this panicked phone call from my Mom, who used the phone at the nurses desk to call and make sure everything was ok. She didn't call me herself, because she can't remember my phone number anymore. Her short term memory is pretty much shot. My sister-in-law called me, and I called my sister, who went down to see her and assure her we were all ok.

Then my sister (who doesn't call me unless she wants something), called me to tell me I need to go see Mom more. Did she pass on any of my messages? No. Did she tell Mom that I loved her and was thinking about her? No. Did she tell her that sometimes with the shifts i'm working it's too late for me to go see her? No. All I got was "you need to go see Mom more". Arrghhhhhhhh. And of course, this is my closing week, so I won't be able to get up there until Friday. I can't go to see her first thing in the morning, because that's when the doctors make their rounds and the patients have their appointments for treatments and such.

So hopefully when I do get up there, she is ok. And my sister isn't there. I had some words (that I won't repeat) with her on the phone, so I'm pretty sure I won't hear from her now at all, unless she really really needs something. Like lots of money. Or a kidney.

Maybe not even then. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Friday, November 13, 2009

To Flu or not to flu ...

I probably should have dug a little deeper on the flu vaccinations before I went, but I didn't. Afterwards I realized I wasn't in any of the high risk groups they had identified (nope I don't even play hockey ..), but I figured when you're dealing with the public all day and handling money that has been god-knows-where; better safe than sorry.

So I got my flu shots. Yes, shots. Plural. On the same day. And boy did I get sick.

If I had only got one or the other, then I would have known what type of flu I had. My arms were so sore I couldn't lift either of them above my shoulders. I had a fever that was at least 101 degrees - I sat on the couch wrapped in 2 quilts, and had the heat on, and still couldn't get warm. I coughed for 2 weeks. I even stayed home from work for a day and a half. I couldn't (and didn't) eat anything, just drank aLOT of water.

Now i'm back to normal. The cough is finally gone, my appetite is back, and I feel pretty good. Andy will go get his shot tomorrow probably, and we'll get the kids in at the same time so we will all be good to go. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they don't get it as bad as I did. I have some Pedialyte and gatorade stocked up in the fridge if they do. And lots of blankets handy just in case .. :-)

Sunday, November 01, 2009


Well. I remembered how to sign in .. LOL.

I haven't even thought of posting in a while. Wait, that's not true. I would think of it, and sit down to start - then get totally caught up in something else and never get back to it. So here is an update of the last few months or so.

Work is going ok. I'm still on the Front End, and still liking it. People have come and gone (as they frequently do at the Despot), and I actually fired my first person yesterday. The first one since I've been back I should say. She was one of my head cashiers, and even though she's young, I thought she was doing pretty good. Until she blatantly told our store manager and myself that she didn't believe in promoting credit and wasn't going to do it. End of story. Except that it was a part of her job - and she was still on probation. So the story will go on somewhere else I guess. I had her as a friend on facebook, but don't anymore since she dropped me. I don't blame her - I'd be upset too. I still wish her all the best though.

Mom is doing ok these days. Her weight loss has levelled out - she's down about 60 pounds from when she first went into the home. This is just from eating a regular diet and actually exercising! She made it out for our anniversary dinner, and thanksgiving at Betty and Mark's. I haven't really seen her since, I've had this cold that just won't go away. I was able to get my flu shots a few days ago as well and have discovered the vaccine does really work. Because I have the flu now. Grrrr. If I could stop coughing I would feel soooooooo much better. And I think I should eat something, but don't really have an appetite. Maybe in a few days.

We're busy preparing to send Lisa to Cuba in March for her spring break band trip. We've started her passport application and are just waiting for her ID to come in the mail from AMA. Because she's 16, she gets to file as an adult and needs to prove who she is. I'm a little nervous, but I know this will be so good for her to experience. I know some of her friends that are going as well as her teacher, and I know she'll have a blast. I wish I could go too ..! This is her Grad year too, so it'll be that much more memorable. She's also been scorekeeping, and I was quite surprised when she said she gets paid for it. The money is going into her travel fund once it's paid out. Sounds like she's growing up eh ?

Anthony is in grade 6 this year, and his teacher has challenged him to make a plan for his learning. He's decided to improve his reading. He's not big on chapter books, but we're going to get him some book money for Christmas, and help him pick out something to get him going. His teacher says it's a boy thing and she'll do all she can to help him out too.

I won't overdo this post, and promise to update more often!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Old Job is the New Job ...

I have done it.

I have gone back to the Despot. (Carrie, i'm borrowing your word.) I think I might have gone a little insane for a minute, but I actually had a good first day back.

My curriculum list was fun to work on today. I actually had all the new cashier training to do and it took me no time at all, since I had kept that up when I was at the other store. I just went to the summary and answered all the questions. LOL. Piece of cake !

I have a great counterpart who was running the front end, but is now looking after only Special Services and phone sales, that gave me a complete bio of everyone I have working for me. I have some pretty good head cashiers who look after absolutely everything, so my main function will be coaching and trying to achieve an elusive perfect mystery shop score. I was amazed at what I remembered too. It like bike riding - you never really forget. Sku numbers are starting to come back. (Oops .. guess I need to call them article numbers - thats tomorrow's training!) Eco fees. Bags that cost 5 cents. (Seriously what is UP with that ??) Loads of fun.

At least I get to move around more than my last job, I don't have to replace starters or tires or bumpers on trucks - and I don't have to work with catty women who are so worried about the job everyone else is doing - instead of what they're doing.

All in all, I'm glad to be back. The rocks in my head can be found in the seasonal department. :-)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hints taken !!

You guys are so great .. dusting off my blog every so often to make sure it's there !

While I didn't totally forget about it, I am like Dallas - I will procrastinate until the cows come home. "I'll do it tomorrow .." quickly turns into 6 months (almost) when you're not looking. And yes I was looking every so often.

So what's new ? It seems like every week at work i'm fixing a truck. Or trucks - plural. My predecessor wasn't big on maintenance, but the bottom line sure looked great. I've been able to cut out all of our temp workers and borrowed drivers, so everyone that works in the building is an actual employee now - so I look moderately better. Until I have to fix a truck that is. Oil changes. Tires. Starters. Engines! Grrrrr. Thanks alot Dave !

On the home front, being the procrastinator I am - I still have boxes to unpack from our move LAST YEAR ! I just haven't had the energy or the motivation to do it. I think when I do it's going to be garage sale time - because obviously if I haven't used it in a year, I don't really need it. I have been able to get rid of lots of clothes the kids have outgrown, which has been good. I've even made some room in my closet, of course Andy wishes I would make more. :-)

Lisa is getting along good with her knee injury. We go to see the Surgeon on the 4th, and i'm pretty sure he's going to tell us she needs to go under the knife. I'm scared for her, but trying to be strong so that she doesn't freak out. Her summer will be pretty much shot though with recovery time and physio. Hopefully they'll be able to get her in early enough so she can be back at school with no burdens. She'll be graduating next year (man does THAT sound wierd), and I want her to be able to enjoy it.

Ok .. that's enough for now. More to follow !

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Too Cute !

I love this !!!