Thursday, January 05, 2006

After the Party ....

Lisa's a BIG Harry Potter fan, so that's what we got on her cake. It was good too! White cake with a lemon filling ..... yummy! We always get cakes from Safeway, they are the best.

We also fired up the barbeque for lunch. Our weather has been so mild lately, we were able to keep the balcony door open, and run in and out. We did smokies and hamburgers, a treat from the usual pizza the kids always ask for on their birthdays.

Then we put the candles on for Lisa to blow out. They spelled out "Happy Birthday" and just by coincindence, they totalled 13 letters! She only blew out 5 though, and the girls were teasing her about her 8 boyfriends.

Then she was ripping into presents like there's no tomorrow. She got some more makeup (she's going to have to start her own band to use it all), some movies from Anthony and Emily, and a DVD player from us. Now we'll never see her. LOL. Boxing Day sales are sure a good way to safe on some things.

The kids are still off school until the 9th. Man we NEVER got holidays like they do now. But then they run right until the end of june, which we never did. Give and take I guess.

The next birthday coming up now is Andy's in February. He'll be old. Oops, I mean 43. We got him a Sponge Bob cake when he turned 40, it was hilarious! We'll have to see what we can come up with this year. I should let Anthony pick it out again.

Here are the girls, from Left to right: Erin, Marisa, Nikki, Lisa and Kayla. They could be the next Original "Motley Crue". LOL.

Everyone left around 3pm, and quiet was restored ... until we turned up the tunes on the computer. :-)

Later !

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year !!!

Wow ... another year gone .... Poof! Just like that. And what a year it was. We took holidays in the summer and went to Vancouver, then camped with Andy's brother in Hope, BC., Anthony finished first grade and started 2nd in September, Lisa's into Grade 8, and today is 13 years old ! Happy Birthday Babydoll! (I'm not old enough to have a 13 year old!)

I always tell her for her birthday she gets a whole new year to do what ever she wants. I'm trying to get her to write in a journal all of the things that stand out, so she can look back and see exactly what happened in the year. I'm going to start one too I think. I usually keep the first couple of pages of the newspaper for her baby book anyway, she she always has the headlines and knows who the first baby of the year is. I've done this for Anthony too .. it's a nice reminder of how things change.

What else happened this year ? The Eskimos are Grey Cup Champs (!), Hockey is Back in town, and I just bought out the lease on my car. Now its officially mine. Yay! Work is still the same, hopefully 2006 will bring new challenges and responsibilities. My anniversary date is April 25, and this will be year #7. The longest I was ever at a job before this one was 5 years, and that was exactly 4 and 1/2 years too long ... LOL.

Oh well .. Lisa is having a sleepover for her birthday. She invited Erin, Nikki, Kayla and Marisa. They're all still sleeping ... bodies everywhere ... sleeping bags all over the living room floor. It's cute. That and potato chip bags, and empty bottles of pop ... you get the idea. I'll have to wake them soon to get tidied up, but until now they're QUIET and that's the main thing.

Talk to you after the party .... :-)