Thursday, December 07, 2006

We Qualify !!

For our First Mortgage !! OMG!

When Andy phoned me at work to tell me, I just about fell over. Really. I thought we would, but actually knowing was such a HUGE relief. We're thinking that we still want to get rid of a few bills (car loans) before then, and that will put us in a better position down the road, but the stability of our jobs, and the fact we've never missed a payment on anything was the clincher.

So now we have the fun of searching for a house. I told Andy to make a list of 'needs' and 'wants'. We 'need' at least 3 bedrooms. We 'want' a decent sized yard to have a garden in. You get the idea.

I can't wait to choose paint and put it on the wall. I can't wait to choose flooring and install it myself. I can't wait to have a garden, and plant flowers in a flowerbed, instead of just a window box. I can't wait to invite everyone over and have a barbeque and roast marhsmallows over the fire pit. I can't wait to plant Anthony's grade one spruce tree into our yard so we can watch it grow along with him.

I just can't wait ....

Monday, December 04, 2006

Did you know .... ?

- ... The offer to buy our apartment had to be in on November 30? They gave us 3 DAYS to see if we could come up with the $$$ before they started showing our suite ! The first people to look at it so far, left their GARBAGE COFFEE CUPS on my kitchen table ! The second people to look at it came in when we were setting up our Christmas tree over the weekend. They came in and left just as quick. "Wow, the carpet is really old ....." I can't wait to be out of here.

- ... There is a Federal Government program for first time home buyers? It will let you double your down payment, and in some cases WRITE IT OFF AS TAX DEDUCTIBLE ! We have an app't to talk to the Realtor who's site we found it on. We have enough for our downpayment, we figured it out over the weekend. Between RRSP money and a gift from a friend, we are ready to go ! Yay!

- ... It is impossible to lick your elbow ?

- ... Elephants are the only mammal to have 4 knees ?

- ... Stressed spelled backwards is DESSERTS ? Hmmmmm desserts .... be right back !!