Saturday, January 21, 2006

The New Additions

We have a couple of additions to our household ... 2 budgies. Andy's sisters birds have laid 3 clutches of eggs in the last 8 months or so (which is very unusual - apparently they are only supposed to have no more than 2 per year), and they've had roughly 8 eggs hatch. Well 2 of those little 'eggies' are now ours !

They are harlequins, which mean they are mostly white, with little touches of blue and some black. They are gorgeous! And since they have been handled since they were hatched, they are as tame as anything.

Kokyto (ko-kee-to) is the one on the left with the little blue dot on his face and the white tail. His name is Spanish for "little nut". His birthday is Dec. 10. Noel is on the right, and since he hatched first (on Dec.8) he got the Christmas name. He likes to sit on his mineral block on the side of the cage and have his tummy scratched. Their favorite treats are apples, bananas, and kiwi.

We were a little worried about Artemis when we brought them home, but he just sniffed and the cage and went for a nap. He visits my sisters birds all the time, so he's used to them, and they don't really seem too concerned with him either. Once he gets a nibble on the nose, I think that will be the end of it. Of course I hope I'm not at work when that happens ... I have visions of the cage being on the floor, and the birds flying around the house.

Ah, well. When we were at the pet store buying our supplies, we were looking at the birds they had, Lisa has her eye on a beautiful yellow Cockatiel. I mainly had my eye on the price tag on the side of the cage. Needless to say, we have no cockatiel at home. They also had fancy canaries, that were more orange than yellow. They were so unusual! Anthony has his eye on the hamsters. Ever since my sister had one, he wants one. She also has a couple of hermit crabs and a fish tank. We could call it all our menagerie. LOL. I don't think Dad is too fond of the idea though .....