Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010 ... Hello 2011 !

I was looking at my New Year's post from last year before I started this one, and it kind of sums up 2010 too. 2010 really knocked me for a loop though, personally and professionally. I'm not sorry to see it go.

January brought Lisa's 17th birthday and Mom's 80th. I sent away to Ottawa for a birthday greeting from the Prime Minister since she was turning 80. It was a certificate that he signed and it came framed and everything. She had it up at the home before we left. Very cool.

February was Andy's birthday month. He turned 47 this year but said he didn't feel it. He did say it went pretty quick though. (I thought the whole year did ..!). March and April were pretty normal .. At work we were setting up the Garden Centre, and I had massive hiring to do - which, surprisingly, I got done. Until the May long weekend broke and it was sooooooo warm - I was told I hadn't hired enough people and sales were going to suffer. I hired based on the information I was given - so not my fault. Ha!

June saw Lisa graduating from High School. Her Grad ceremony was at the Jubilee Auditorium, and we got some decent pics of the 4 of us together. Anthony finished grade 6, and was looking forward to goofing off all summer before starting grade 7 at Westmount. We were trying to get away for holidays in July, but because of August inventory at work - I couldn't get time off with Andy because I had to go at the beginning of the month. No mountains for us this summer.

August was tough. It started out ok; Lisa had a job with Dad for the summer helping out at the shop, before her knee surgery at the end of the month. Mom took a turn for the worse, and while we tried to stay positive, I just knew she wouldn't make it to Christmas. And I was right. She was in the hospital for pneumonia, then back at the home. Then back to the hospital a week later, where she passed away August 24. Talk about your world turning upside down. I discovered that reality is nothing like perception, and that I was a lot stronger than I thought. My sister and I had a small memorial for Mom, and we had a wonderful turn out of friends and co-workers who came and helped us say goodbye. Lisa's knee surgery was the day after Mom passed, and went fantastic. A little physical therapy and some exercise and its better now than it was before the accident.

September saw Anthony start grade 7, and turn 12. He's grown up so much this summer, it's nice to see. We celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary on the 9th, and had a nice dinner out - just the 2 of us. Things started to go downhill at work, and were pretty much intolerable by the end of the month. October was my birthday, and I finally said goodbye to the Despot again. I quit on the Wednesday and had another job by the time Saturday rolled around. I now work in the bakery at Save On Foods - BIG difference. No Stress. I can handle it. The only thing that sucks is the pay. I make less than half of what I made at the despot, but at least its money coming in for now.

Which brings us to the holidays and the end of my post. Christmas was tough without Mom, but I know she's still with me. I look at my hands every so often and they remind me of hers. I'm starting to see her face more in the mirror. I hear myself saying things she would say. And I find comfort in these things .. but its still tough.

I really hope 2011 is a little bit gentler than 2010 was. Keep your fingers crossed !