Thursday, October 12, 2006

I Came ThisClose To Winning the Lottery ....

... on my birthday. The numbers for the Super 7 were:

10 16 23 24 27 33 46 Bonus 25

My ticket looked like this:

After I circled the fourth number, I had to put the ticket down. When I looked again, I saw I only had the four numbers, but was close on the other ones. What a birthday present that would have been !!!

1 comment:

missmarble said...

So what would you do with the $$? Everyone has a list of "If I Won the Lottery I Would..."

For me:

Make my house bigger

Fly my brother home so he could play with Lily

Take my parents on a family vacation to the south of France.(They were supposed to be there this year, actually right now, but life and Lily had other plans for them.)

Put a ton of $$ away for Lily's schooling, plus a fund for her to go away to 'find herself' when she wants to.