Friday, July 27, 2007

One more sleep ...... !


I am soooooooooo looking forward to having a break. It's been a long time coming. I had actually asked for the last week of July, first week of August off but there was a conflict with another ASM. I called Andy at work to see what he wanted to do and he had a conflict at his work too, so we just pushed our holidays back a week and everything worked out great.

I'm looking forward to finishing unpacking the last of my boxes from our move in April (there's some boxes upstairs, some down), and Andy's Uncle is coming up to see from from High River. I still need to hang some pictures (namely the ones all lining the landing of my staircase) and I have a couple of knickknack shelves that need a home.

We've also been invited to spend some time at a friend's cabin on Pigeon Lake. They're going out this weekend for a couple of days, and then going back out next weekend before going to BC to meet up with friends. Judy works with me at the store, and her husband Greg is an RCMP member. They actually helped us do some moving; Greg came over with his utility trailer and helped us move our appliances. I don't know how I would have done that without him, he was a big help!

We also want to get down around Drumheller, and go back to the Royal Tyrell Museum where they have a few new exhibits and things. We've always wanted to do a dig as well and if we visit Dinosaur Provincial Park we'll be able to do that.

We were last down this way when Anthony was small, and when we were here we had gone to see Writing on Stone Provincial Park. They have guided tours available and they take you out on the Hoodoos to see them first hand. The sign at the tour office said that you needed to ensure you had a hat, sturdy walking shoes, and water available because the rocks absorb the heat of the sun all day and the temperatures could be as high as 50c. They also said that Seniors, children under the age of 5, and people easily affected by heat should not go. We weren't going to split up to go and leave someone in the car with Anthony, so we turned around and headed back to Milk river.

I was so disappointed, but we had said when the kids were older we would come back. They also have rattlesnake warnings out -- apparently the critters like to sun themselves on the rocks, and because they blend in so well, you'd never see it until you stepped on it (or heard it rattling its tail at you!)

What else do we have planned? We promised the kids a day at the water park, since we didn't go to "Capital Ex" this year. (I don't care how much they change it -- it's still the Exhibition to me!) We had gone to the parade, and it was a big disappointment. And for the money we would spend -- I'd rather pay for a night at a motel, and take the kids to see something they really want to see.

Whatever we do, I'm just looking forward to doing it with the family. I've missed them lately -- it seems like everyone is off doing their own thing. Holidays here we come !!


Keltie said...

I hope you enjoy your holiday time with your family. It has been a long time coming for you.

missmarble said...

Have a fantastic time honey! Give me a shout when you are home so I can bring you some plants and a Lily for your back yard. The Lily is just a loan though!

Auntie Tracy said...

Thanks gals! I'm tempted to hang a sign on the door that says 'gone fishin' and then ACTUALLY go fishing! Just to relax and veg ..