Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I think I'm going to start updating my block in quarters ... we're 3 months into the year and I have been sadly not updating. Even the gentle pokes and notes written in the dust haven't helped. So here it is - an update!

I have some pics to post from Trellia's baby shower .. it was a fun afternoon. Lisa was kind of bored I think, but I got Jack to sleep on my shoulder. I miss having a baby to cuddle !!

Here's the proud Mom !! Jack looks like Robbie - it's amazing !!

Auntie Carrie got to cuddle Jack too !!

On the work side, life goes on. I was going out for my break a couple of weeks ago, and slipped on the ice under the breezeway. I landed on both knees. My right one is ok, but the left one wouldn't bend. I filled out my paperwork and got John to call it in for me, and off I went to the Clinic to have it X-rayed. The Doctor there filled out my WCB paperwork and told me i'd need an MRI done. Nothing was broken, but the MRI revealed 2 tears in ligaments. I get to go see the WCB doctor tomorrow. Hopefully it'll just need rehab, and not surgery.

We're moving at the end of this month. Our lease is up, and they want to raise the rent another $200 above what we're paying now. So we're moving back to the old neighborhood. We found a townhouse by Westmount, that's only $20 more that what we pay now, plus it includes heat and water, so we'll save more money there. Only a few more months to go and the car loans will be paid off, and we can seriously start looking for a house. That will be our last move -- I swear !

That's about it for this update ... I promise to keep this up more !! :-)


missmarble said...

Can you send me a copy of the pic? Too cute!

sleeplessnights04 said...

Rob to a 't'. He's adorable.

missmarble said...

Poke - it's time for a quarterly update!