Monday, June 15, 2009

The Old Job is the New Job ...

I have done it.

I have gone back to the Despot. (Carrie, i'm borrowing your word.) I think I might have gone a little insane for a minute, but I actually had a good first day back.

My curriculum list was fun to work on today. I actually had all the new cashier training to do and it took me no time at all, since I had kept that up when I was at the other store. I just went to the summary and answered all the questions. LOL. Piece of cake !

I have a great counterpart who was running the front end, but is now looking after only Special Services and phone sales, that gave me a complete bio of everyone I have working for me. I have some pretty good head cashiers who look after absolutely everything, so my main function will be coaching and trying to achieve an elusive perfect mystery shop score. I was amazed at what I remembered too. It like bike riding - you never really forget. Sku numbers are starting to come back. (Oops .. guess I need to call them article numbers - thats tomorrow's training!) Eco fees. Bags that cost 5 cents. (Seriously what is UP with that ??) Loads of fun.

At least I get to move around more than my last job, I don't have to replace starters or tires or bumpers on trucks - and I don't have to work with catty women who are so worried about the job everyone else is doing - instead of what they're doing.

All in all, I'm glad to be back. The rocks in my head can be found in the seasonal department. :-)


missmarble said...

I miss you! Can I come play at your Depot? I don't like our any more.

missmarble said...

- ack! -

'...ours anymore.'

(Spelling nerd hangs head in shame)

sleeplessnights04 said...

Ack what happened? Better and more pay right?

Auntie Tracy said...

Yes you can come back to my Depot .. I would love to have you !

Nope Kat, just a place to be accepted and feel like I actally accomplished something ..

missmarble said...

Cool, now can you make it so your Depot is really close to my house so I don't have to drive 40 minutes to get there?