Saturday, March 25, 2006

After the Service

What a wonderful afternoon we had. There were so many people that came to celebrate Mom's life with us. Carrie, Becky, Judy and Sherrise from my work came, Shelley and Dorina from Betty's work came, Jeff - Andy's Boss, and some of the neighbors from the building were all there. We have enough food to feed an army! Everyone was so thoughtful and supportive, and even though there wasn't a lot of room to mingle, everyone managed to meet everyone else.

Cousin Wayne was having fun keeping everyone's name straight, the kids were running around eating, and it was exactly what Mom would have wanted. We created a memorial card on the computer like the ones they have at the funeral homes, and had a book we asked everyone to sign with memories of Mom.

Oh and the food ? It was enough for a least a couple of days after ... and it was nice to not worry about what to eat. In a few days we'll start going through closets and such to start clearing things out, and I forsee a few trips to Goodwill. Books and clothes and knicknacks and such.

We're finalizing plans for the niche we're going to put Mom's urn into, and what else we're going to put in there with it, Anthony's going to put in one of his hot wheels, cause Mom always played cars with him. He misses her alot. Just after everyone left for home, we took him over to the Cross Cancer Institute here in the city and he donated all of the money in his piggybank in memory of Mom. It was roughly $60, and it was all his own idea. I am so proud of him !

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