Saturday, May 19, 2007

Adventures in Retail ..

Hey that would be an awesome title for a new blog !! All about the people I see everyday at work. Hmmmm ...

It's interesting going in every day. You can never tell what the day will bring. People are complaining about how hot the store is (horribly freakin' hot!), how there's no one to help them in departments (somebody or 2 quit like EVERYDAY), and why does the other store have it and you don't (sorry .. no witty comment there).

We're having so much trouble finding good people. The same as every other retailer in Alberta right now. The ones we do manage to hire set a record with us if they last through training, and don't get me wrong -- we have found some good people. We need another 75 good people though. Longer term associates are leaving as well. One of our pc's left to go work with one of our install companies, and Wanda -- who has been there with us since the store opened -- worked her last day with us on Thursday. She hasn't been happy there for a long time, and since Brad's been gone she just hasn't had the heart (literally) to come in. She's got a great new job with Alberta Health Care though, and gets to work downtown.

One of our ex-department supervisors is hiring away associates to work with him in his new job, and others are all going to work in Ft. Mac. or they just decide, and I quote: "I don't think I really like this job ... sorry."

Things have GOT to get better .... they sure can't get any worse !!


missmarble said...

Sorry honey - I hope that you find some people soon. I think the time has come for the Despot to up the ante and make staying a little more attractive to people. Flex time, job sharing, better pay raises, reinstating the longevity bonuses etc.

Too bad they gave all their money away to Bob Nardelli when he was with HD...

Auntie Tracy said...

The longevity bonus was a good idea .. I missed out on the 5 year one by a week !! Doh !

missmarble said...

Lily wants to know when Auntie Tracy will have a new blog entry. She wants to know what's up...