Tuesday, June 19, 2007

One month later ....

It's a month to the day from my last post. And it went pretty quick.

I lied when I said things couldn't get any worse.

The last week in particular was pretty fun. My only fulltime person left in Flooring went to Vegas for a week. On the Friday before she left, my part time person that basically opened the department for me every day, went into our HR office halfway through her shift and said she was quitting and she was leaving right now. Nice. I had the day off (in fact the weekend off ... first one in 8 weeks ..), and someone else covered the department.

Fast forward to Saturday. One of the girls in the department who works part time had asked for an extra shift on the Saturday to make up some time she had lost at the beginning of the week. I put her in for a 9-6 shift, and that gave us some extra coverage when we really needed it. Or so I thought. She didn't show up. Didn't call, didn't do anything! Again, someone came over and helped out. Sundays are always bad, because I never have enough people. She didn't show up on Sunday. Again someone covered. Are you seeing the pattern yet ??

Monday when I get back from my weekend off, because of my person quitting on Friday, I had NO ONE in the dept. I started at 2, and someone had come over to cover until I got there. I always have lots of people in on Monday evenings so it worked out ok. Tuesday and Wednesday I knew I didn't have anyone and had planned to cover those myself. I opened both days at 5am, and covered the department until coverage came in at 5pm. Thursday was when my young part time person was back after her exams, scheduled 9-6. She wasn't there at 9, so I called her at home. She answered the phone. Bad Sign. When I asked her if she was coming in, she said she was "really tired" and she didn't think she would make it. She didn't even have the decency to call me! This would be day 3 with no call/no show, and I brought that to her attention and told her that she had basically voluntarily terminated herself -- her response? (You'll never believe this!) "Oh ..... OK." (Say WHAT ?!?!)

So again, another day until 6pm, by myself. At least I know how good of a salesperson I am now .. LOL. Friday was my day off. I came in to work 5-2, because there was no one else. Sigh. Are you keeping track? This is 5 days now. I was scheduled to close 2-11 on Saturday, but because there was only Trent and myself, I came in early to give him some coverage. And guess what? There was no Trent. They'd been called down to Calgary on a family emergency, so it was John, Curtis and myself on Saturday. In flooring. With the free underpad event. And decor. With 10% off all special orders. Sigh. One 57 hour work week finally over.

Sunday I didn't even have John and Curtis to call on, and ended up working 8am-9pm, because I was also closing keyholder.

So here we are back to Monday. Breanne is back from Vegas, we've managed to Hire a couple of new people that are now shadowing with us in the department, and life goes on. I still get to work 6 days this week, because the coverage is still not the greatest. There's one good thing though; with no lunches -- because really who has time to eat? -- I'm a couple of pounds lighter. More than that actually. My family still knows who I am when I come home (amazing!). And I can finally sit down for 5 minutes and update my blog.



missmarble said...

Oh honey - I'm so sorry. I really wish that 'young' people had a better sense of responsibility these days, and realized that a job is a commitment. They can't just show up when they want to.

I honestly think that they aren't being taught how to be responsible respectful human beings...and it's not the schools, if you know what I mean.

Gigantic hugs and baby kisses from Lily.

Auntie Tracy said...

Ahhhhh gigantic hugs and kisses back .. for all of you !!

At least Lily will grow up with respect and responsibility ..

Anonymous said...

All that I can say is one day they will all be in for a rude awakening. Don't stress too much about it, it seems that every store goes through that "down in the dumps" stage. Things will get better I promise!

Keltie said...

Wow! It doesn't sound like you have even had a moment to breathe!!

I guess not everyone takes the responsibilities of employment very seriously. Sad.