Sunday, September 02, 2007

I feel Guilty

FYI: This was a draft that I never posted .. so I'm doing it now. D'oh !

I'm happy and yet I feel horribly guilty at the same time. Why you ask? Because Carrie's coming back to work! And because Carrie's coming back to work.

Let me explain.

I just read Carrie's post and while I am happy she's coming back for a couple of evenings a week, I'm sad that she's going to be absolutely miserable being away from Miss Lily. It's hard to take those steps back into the workforce when you've been everything to a child for the last year. Chief cook, bottle-washer, diaper-changer, snuggler, cuddler, teacher, companion, in other words; Mom. She is going to miss some of the moments that will define Miss Lily going forward: maybe her first step, maybe a tender moment with Dad that she will hear about when she gets home.

She'll have to put up with a hot building, grumpy shoppers, and a boss like me .. but the one thing that makes me smile, and I know will make her smile -- is the big hug she'll get when she gets home.

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